
Paper LBO Step-by-Step Example

what is multiple expansion

We’re including the fees in the value creation analysis, because it felt inconsistent to include the impact of the fees at entry and not at exit (especially when they’re side-by-side). In our illustrative output above, you can see that ~50% of total value creation comes from EBITDA growth, and since margins are constant, we assume revenue is the primary driver. You may have noticed that the returns above benefited from multiple expansion.

The purchase multiple was 10.0x LTM EBITDA and the initial leverage multiple was 6.0x. But for the math to work, the add-on acquisitions must be accretive, wherein the acquirer is valued at a higher multiple compared to the acquisition target. The standard LBO purchase is financed using a high percentage of borrowed funds, i.e. debt, with a relatively minor equity contribution from the sponsor to “plug” the remaining funds necessary. The third and final driver, the capital structure, is more related to how the LBO transaction was financed, i.e. “financial engineering”. A Contribution to the SCF Literature An LBO Returns Attribution Analysis quantifies the contribution from each of the main value creation drivers in private equity investments.

LBO Returns Attribution Analysis

We work in a uniquely collaborative model across the firm and throughout all levels of the client organization, fueled by the goal of helping our clients thrive and enabling them to make the world a better place. Get instant access to video lessons taught by experienced investment bankers. Learn financial statement modeling, DCF, M&A, LBO, Comps and Excel shortcuts. However, the exit enterprise value is “net” of fees, so the proceeds received should be reduced by the transaction and financing fees that need to be paid at exit.

what is multiple expansion

The Wharton Online and Wall Street Prep Private Equity Certificate Program

  1. If, for example, a stock is trading at 5 times earnings, there is a much higher chance it will experience multiple expansion than a stock trading at 50 times earnings.
  2. For instance, company executives use metrics to analyze corporate finance and operational strategies.
  3. By doing so, you ensure that you capture more of the value created through the multiples expansion strategy.
  4. At this point, you’ve learned LBO modeling and how to analyze LBO returns.
  5. The private equity firm Dewey, Cheatem and Howe buys a transportation company for a total enterprise value of $50.

Senior debt interest expense is 2mm (remember – rounding to whole numbers) and junior debt interest expense is 4mm. Using those assumptions, we can calculate the purchase enterprise value (TEV) as $500 million by multiplying the LTM multiple by the LTM EBITDA. Dividend recaps are performed to monetize profits from the LBO prior to a complete exit, and the timing of the recap has the additional benefit of increasing How to buy ethereum classic the fund’s IRR since the proceeds are received earlier.

Over half of the S&P 500’s return over the last ten years is due to the P/E multiple expanding from 13x to 31x. Over the last decade, investors have fxtm forex broker review gradually paid more for a dollar of the S&P’s earnings causing the index to outpace its growth in earnings per share. The chart shows the change in Apple’s earnings per share (EPS) and stock price over the last 10 years. Early on, the stock price tracked the growth in EPS fairly closely. In most acquisitions (including this one), the price paid exceeds the existing book value of net assets.

The buyer is, therefore, buying low and selling high, just as those who trade securities in the open markets do. In order to complete the income statement and the statement of cash flows, we need to calculate interest expense. When it comes to buy and build, not all industries are created equal.

We’re talking about the homeruns that turn $10,000 into $1 million, producing the kind of windfall that changes lives and creates investing legends. And while there are many factors that go into what makes this happen, the most crucial point—the pang of regret we’ve all felt when hearing about these stocks—is finding them before everyone else. While it’s important to be prudent and reasonable with growth expectations, it’s also good to remember that smallcap stocks can produce phenomenal gains.

Five Strategies to Grow Your Business and Why They Matter

Metrics are quantitative tools that measure a company’s performance. These metrics are used by different people for various reasons. For instance, company executives use metrics to analyze corporate finance and operational strategies. Similarly, analysts can use metrics to make opinions and investment recommendations while investment professionals use metrics to make important decisions about their investing portfolios. Keep this strategy in mind as you contemplate your next steps in selling your business.

Advanced LBO Functionality

So the Optional Prepayment for the Term Loan B depends on if there’s anything left over after paying down the Revolver. The notes have the same relationship with the Term Loan B, etc. Although it’s immaterial, it’s still best practice to include this. We’re going to use an “if” statement to manage circular references. When preparing a PF balance sheet, incorporate all line items from the Sources & Uses. You can set balance sheet line items that aren’t affected by the Sources & Uses equal to the standalone balance sheet.

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